Friday 10 December 2010


Here are my finished models and scenes for the animation.
I think we have all worked really hard on our parts, and each scene has turned out great.
I feel that if we had created anymore scenes, the final video would have dragged on too long, and it seems to be perfect in length the way it is.
During my time modelling, I also starting modelling Hedingham Castle, which can be seen lower down in this blog. However, after considering what scenes we were going to create, we decided not to continue with it, as there were already too many building and location scenes for our animation.
Myself and glenn also constructed parts of Golf Courses, and these too did not make the final cut of scenes, and were not completed.

Firstly I modelled Hadleigh Castle.
I'm really happy with the end result of this scene. It's a bright, summery image, and gives a good feeling. I love the way the tower looks against the hill and the sky.

Then I modelled my Spitfire.

I included my Spitfire in Various scenes from the Take Off scene... the In Flight scene...

...and the Visit Essex Title Scene. I'm really happy with how this scene turned out. It was kind of an after thought now looking back, but came to be one of the pinnicle scenes of the animation, it ties up the story really well, and I love the lighting, and the fade effect I put in the scene.

I also helped out on a number of other things for other people, such as textures and materials, aswell as editing the Final Animation.
I worked alongside Glenn to complete the Particle System for the Car scene...

...and also created the wheel used on the car...

...aswell as the Tyre barrier placed at the side of the track.

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