Friday 15 October 2010

Lighting and stage effects

I have been playing alot with the lighting on 3Ds Max to try to increase my skills with so we as a group can create great atmospheres and effects to what we need. Bellow is an example of what I have been doing, this is not an exact scene, but we will be using water, and ocean etc.

I have used lense effects on two omni lights in this render, spending alot of time knowing what the adjustments do, and how to create a relistic sun, and the light that it produces. Such as what colour it is at what elevation, also relections, refractions and shadows where all adjusted to aim towards realism.

This is just an example of whats to come, each day I am learning more and enjoying 3Ds Max more too.

Bellow just shows the making of my render, and a settings panel for lense effects.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Southend Pier...

One of the landmark location we chose was Southend-on-sea pier. Here is the model so far. I need to extend the pier further and then create an opening at one end.

Monday 4 October 2010

Chelmsford Sign.

Here is another model.
I said to the other guys that we should put in place signs as the camera moves throughout the different locations, to remind the viewer exactly where they are.
Here is the first of hopefully a few signs that will feature throughtout the animation.

Hadleigh Castle

Here is the first of a couple of quick models I have knocked up so far.
This is a model of Hadleigh Castle.
Here are a couple of images that show the castle by itself rendered, and the second with it sitting on the grassy hillside.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Jack'd windmill....

As part of the essex theme we decided to include windmills into the animation as there are a few recogniseable working-windmills across the country side. Terling, Thaxted and finchingfield just to name a few places. I have rendered the model with wooden boarding around the exterior and tiling on the roof to try and make it as life-like as possible.

Glenn's models so far

Chappel Viaduct

Rowing Boat and Large Boat

The start of Anglia Rusking, Faculty

Our Concept

As we know the deliverables of this module are; An animation advertising essex, which will be suitable to be on the home page of Visit Essex website. We have learnt that the target age for attracting renvenue into essex is 40-60so we will take this into acount when creating this animation. As a group we have brainstormed ideas, and come up with a concpet that we believe will give the right message, and enough infomation to the viewer.

I will upload images to illustrate our idea soon.

Glenn's thoughts

I am really excited about what this module can bring, being from essex also this makes it that bit more interseting and pasionate for myself. This is a group animation project, which I am really pleased about as we can use all our skills to create a really good end result. I am glad we have Matt in our group also, he seems enthusiastic and eager to work as a group which is great. I am enjoying modelling and studying some landmarks already, and I am looking forward to getting out to see some for myself to get some inspiration and research!